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Chinese Traditional and Hip-Hop Dance

rXn (reaction) is one of the University of Michigan’s premier cultural dance groups. Combining traditional Chinese and hip-hop dance styles, rXn’s performances are always exciting and entertaining. Come and learn both traditional and hip-hop styles from this FAN-tastic dance group in this workshop! No prior dance experience is necessary!

Chinese Yo-yo

Chinese yo-yo is not just a popular toy in China, but also a showstopping performance tool! Revolution is an amazing Chinese yo-yo performance group at the University of Michigan that always captivates its audiences with breathtaking tricks and stunts that leave everybody wanting more! In this workshop, the crazily talented guys from Revolution will teach students basic Chinese yo-yo skills and even a few tricks! No experience is necessary!

The Art of Sushi

A look at a menu in a U.S. sushi bar today displays names such as “California roll,” “Alaska roll,” “Spider roll,” and so many other clearly Americanized rolls that we have come to know and love. However, sushi is so much more than just some imitation crab and vegetables wrapped up in rice and seaweed. The food that is today known as sushi was first documented in Japan more than 1,000 years ago, and over the years has become an undeniable fixture in Japanese culture. This workshop will explore both the rich history of sushi and the culture and customs surrounding it. Students will even get the chance to try their hand at making their own roll!

Lyrical Origami: Spoken Word and Self-Expression

What is spoken word? Spoken word is a type of artistic performance poetry that focuses on the power of words, as well as the dynamics of tone, gestures, facial expressions. In the past few decades, a growing number of A/PIA spoken word poets have used the art form as a tool for activism and community building. With pieces that sound like a cross between rap songs and theater monologues, they use rhythm and expression to communicate their message and to inspire passion and action in others. In this workshop, learn more about this powerful form of self-expression and storytelling and try your hand at making one of your own!

Stand Up!

What makes a great leader? How can you become one? A/PIA’s have long been plagued with stereotypes of passivity, docility and apathy, but with A/PIA’s being the fastest growing minority group in America, it is our turn to rise up and become the world’s next greatest leaders! This workshop will empower students to identify and hone their own unique leadership style so that they can become the leaders and best that today’s society needs!

“But I’m Not Like That!”- A/PIA’s in the Media

Although A/PIA’s are much more prominent in the media today than they have been in the past, there are still many issues with how Hollywood chooses to portray A/PIA characters. Even though A/PIA’s have made many gains and are no longer even remotely confined to traditional stereotypes, we are still seeing portrayals of A/PIA’s like the oversexualized geisha, the silent yet deadly ninja, or the socially awkward, chess-playing, calculus-doing whiz kid. This workshop will examine media portrayals of A/PIA’s and explore what these portrayals mean for A/PIA’s today.

It’s Who You Know

It can be a challenge to transition from high school to college life. In this workshop, the freshmen of the APA 101 Mentorship Program tackle issues related to this exciting time, presenting fun activities and discussions about everything from networking to identity to relationships.

What Are Your Letters?

The greatest leaders know themselves inside and out. In this workshop, students will identify and explore their four letters according to the Myer Briggs Personality Type Inventory. Once students know their letters, they will learn not only how to embrace them, but also discover how to best utilize them to unlock their full potential!

Going Greek!

What does it mean to be involved in Greek Life as an A/PIA? What is the interplay between traditional Asian values and Greek Life? How are Asian-interest fraternities or sororities different than those that are not Asian-interest? In this workshop, all of these questions will be answered, and students will explore how going Greek could change their lives!

Debunking the Model Minority Myth

How many times have you been told that you must be good at math or must want to become a doctor just because of your race? While on one hand it may feel good to have your race’s achievements recognized, on the other hand there are many deeper problems that hide beneath the surface of the “model minority” label. This workshop will debunk the “model minority” myth and show just how damaging this label really is.

Badass A/PIA Figures (and How to Become Badass)

An introduction to some of the most badass A/PIA figures who your history books neglected to mention, from activists like Yuri Kochiyama to superstars like Jeremy Lin. Learn more about the people who have had a hand in shaping contemporary A/PIA culture, communities, and roles in larger American society. Explore what qualities make them so badass, and find out more about how you can become a badass yourself.

Stand Out!

Sometimes it can be hard to stand out in a crowd, especially when you carry the burdens that come with being Asian or Pacific Islander American in a predominantly non-Asian space. This workshop will teach you how to shine the brightest by embracing your own unique self, all the while shrugging off the expectations and stereotypes that society may place on you.

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